WS130612 Negotiation Skills

Topic Highlights


The objective of the presentation is to give you a brief understanding and insight into how small changes in the skill behavior can make big differences in the negotiating capabilities on the individual level and as it applies in the real world.

Similarly, on the organizational level, more changes can make transformational differences in the way the organization reacts to conflicts.

Scotwork “Eight Step Approach™” is the key for optimizing negotiations at all levels.

The presentation will increase your awareness and identify ideas that should lead to better application of negotiating skills in the real world. By the end of the session, Tutor and participants will be sharing real life lessons on interesting negotiation experiences.


About the Speaker


Mr. Kamal Mirza got his bachelor of business administration from the American University of Beirut and received his Master degree in business management from Lebanese American University. Kamal brings more than 20 years of experience in financial management and strategic business development with intensive commercial negotiations taking place. In 1995, he became the managing partner of Mirza-Awdeh&Co – a Lebanese consulting firm running since 1971 in MENA and UK regions and specialized in corporate strategies, financial management, and managerial operations. He develops new businesses and restructures existing ones with multiple parties and investors. This is partially where he acquired his negotiating skills and structured win-win paths towards resolving conflicts. He spent 5 years in the banking sector with National Bank of Kuwait and more than 8 years in the retail and wholesale industries.