WS131002 Process Driven Organization

Topic Highlights

Many public and private organizations suffer from slow operations, inefficient delivery and inflexible structures. This is due to years of traditional management methods which are based on a departmental view of operations. Departmental operations result in:

Two major movements shook organizations and moved them away from the "departmental" to the "process oriented" view:

The result? Many organizations revised their operations and redesigned their operations so they can be "process driven". These organizations achieved radical improvement in performance.

This talk has 3 objectives:

This talk is a summary of a current 3 day workshop on Business Process Reengineering. 

About the Speaker

Akram Najjar is an Electronic Engineer with more than 30 years experience in Information and Communications Technology (ICT) and Organizational Management. 

During the first 5 years of his career (70 – 75), he was Senior Systems Analyst with MEA. From 1975 till 1995, he setup and managed two ICT companies in Lebanon and the Gulf. These developed software applications for both the public and the private sector. 

Since 1995, based in Lebanon, he has concentrated on ICT Consulting, Project Management, Organizational Management and Business Technology training for management. Both these activities are covered in Lebanon and the Gulf.